Reading in 2010: Maus II

I began reading this book immediately after I finished Maus I-I couldn’t wait! This installment did not disappoint. Chronicling Vladek’s trials in Auschwitz, cattle cars, death march, and liberation, this story was fast paced and gripping.

I showed it to my book club ladies, and after they got over the initial shock of the cover, they agreed that it looked very interesting. They also informed me that graphic novels are the “new, cool thing”. Didn’t know that!

Reading in 2010- Maus I: My Father Bleeds History

This was my first graphic novel I’ve ever read. It was quite interesting. Fast, easy reading. But not easy reading. As you can tell by the title, it’s a Holocaust memoir, as disturbing as any I’ve ever read. As Artie interviews his father Vladek, we see in this novel the beginning with the persecution of the Jews, Vladek’s escape from the ghetto, hiding in Poland, and ending with his arrival at Auschwitz. I definitely recommend this book.

Steph lent these to me, as she had to read the second one for class and got the first one by mistake. I’m all set to read the second one. I’ll have to push through it quick so I can get onto reading my next book club book, The Blind Side.