Simultaneous Reading Adventures

I have a problem. Or maybe it’s a gift. I don’t know. But I do this every once and awhile. I’m reading four books at once!

1. Last week, I started reading The Happiest Toddler on the Block by Harvey Karp. I took advantage of an opportunity to head to B&N alone (glorious!) and bought this book. It’s one I’ve been meaning to read, and definitely want to get through before Sophie hits the independent stage (around 18 mo. from what I hear). Anyway, I’m learning a lot about toddlers, their thought processes, language development, and emotional development and attachment. It’s a great resource, and I know this one will be a reference for me for years to come.

2. Lori lent me The Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv. I’ve been wanting to read it, especially after seeing how worn and beat up her copy is. Actually, she had to buy a second copy to lend out because hers is so near and dear to her. It’s all about how this generation of kids growing up right now are the first generation to grow up without the significant influence of nature. Kids today are completely plugged in, and Richard Louv describes what he calls “nature deficit disorder”. Totally interesting. I’m not too far into this one, and I suspect this one will take me the longest to get through, but that’s ok. It’s one of those books that you absorb.

3. As if I needed something else to read, I was struck by the library bug this week. I got a truckload of books for Sophie, but for me I picked up Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger. A gal from my book club recommended it, and I’m really getting into it. It’s a novel, ghost story, and I don’t know what else yet, but I really like it so far.

4. Also from the library, I got Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. I started it and it’s really interesting, but I don’t think I’ll make it all the way through. I plan to skim this one a lot, and probably skip whole chapters. What I’ve read so far is interesting though, just a lot of information. I love McDonalds though, so I don’t want to be turned off for life!

To top it off, I need to get crackin on this month’s read for book club. Ahhh!