Sophie is 1!

One year ago, we started on a journey.

She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

A lot can change in a year. I had no idea what I was in for. No idea of the night wakings, or the way her cry would pierce my heart and I’d do anything to make her happy. No idea that someone so tiny could change a life in such a BIG way. No idea how much I could love someone. No idea that someone so beautiful could be mine!

She grew and changed. Learned to hold her head up, roll over, babble and coo, smile, laugh, crawl, and pull up to standing. Soon she’ll be walking on her own. She’s incredible-a miracle.

Sometimes it blows my mind to think that Kevin and I are responsible for this little life. It’s up to us to guide her and teach her to love Jesus, be a good friend, always help others, and to make good choices. But having her with us has become second nature. When we’re alone, just the two of us, it sometimes feels like someone is missing.

Happy Birthday Sophie Joy!

It’s finally running weather :)

Well, things have gotten quite busy around here!

My coworker had surgery last week and is out for a few weeks, so I’m picking up a lot of her duties. I’ve been running around trying to keep up with everything. It’s good though. The week thus far has gone by quickly.

Sophie and I went for a run on Monday morning, and boy what a difference from running with her before. I set her up with a handful of cheerios and goldfish crackers on her tray and she was happy as a cricket. For a good while anyway…she got pretty upset about 1.5 miles in, but she fell asleep after only a few minutes of crying. This morning we ran with Becky and the boys at the path, and she cried the last 1/2 mile or so, but part of the reason was that Ryan started crying, and then Seth, and then Sophie jumped on the crying bandwagon too. It may not sound like a big deal, but to me this is very encouraging since I plan to do a lot of running this spring and summer.

Can you believe that my Sweetie is almost 1? Saturday is the big day!

She had a little boo boo on her nose. I thought she was as cute as a button with her band-aid!