Easter and such

You can always tell when I’ve been thinking about the same thing constantly by how spaced out my blog updates are. Seeing how my last one was on the 15th, I feel like my blog is just due for an update but in reality not much has changed. Kevin and I are still in limbo, trying to decide if/where we would like to move to, still weighing the pros and cons of trading close proximity to our families with a warmer climate. I don’t know, for me, moving would be a wonderful new start. Not that my life here is bad, but I’ve just grown so weary of the same cycle of seasons, the same bitter winters. I hate that wind that makes you just want to go into the bathtub in mid-November and not emerge until May. Yes, it’s that bad. I love hot weather, the hotter the better. But all this is old news, all the same points, nothing has changed. Really the only news to be reported on this front is that Kevin has an interview on Friday for a company in Grass Lake. He’s not even sure if he wants it, but figures it doesn’t hurt to try. And it doesn’t, really. Our most recent bookmarked pages in the atlas: Portland, OR; Chesapeake, VA, Wilmington, NC; San Francisco, CA.

In other news, Friday night’s Good Friday lesson with the kids at church was awesome. I was with them for the second service, the 7:30, and we only had four kids. Jeff was one of them, and he had already been there for the 6. First, we made a chain of prayer beads, which are a big thing in Hindu culture and even in Catholicism, but not much used in Protestant Christianity. Which is a shame, because they are wonderful! They really help you to focus and pray, letting your fingers mindlessly play with the beads. Or you can use it to help you pray concretely for specific things, and then move the bead as you pray for it. I like it. After that, we went across the hall to the music room, where Lori and I had set up a quiet, dim setting. We drew our sins in the sand, asked for forgiveness and wiped them away. We took communion, and talked about how the candle is a symbol of God’s presence with us. With the small group of kids it was very nice, as they were all able to share their own experiences. It was a quiet intimate setting, and it seemed to really impact the kids that God was THERE, with us in the room. Very cool.

For Easter, Kevin and I went with my parents and grandparents to my Aunt Lisa’s house. It was fun playing with their RC cars in the basement, but we ate totally burned kielbasa and yucky sauerkraut (I don’t like sauerkraut!) The potatoes were HEAVENLY as was the chocolate cake with strawberries. These family gatherings are all about the food for me, can you tell? No, really, it was great to see my grandparents….and everyone else too I guess! No Stephie though, which was sad.

Mr. Sun is shining, which makes me happy.