Apparently my morning post didn’t actually post…

I must have pushed the red button to close out of Safari when Di came in, rather than pushing “publish post”…gosh, I’m dumb. The “lost post” was all about how sick I was this morning and was probably too much information anyway. It also described my morning walk with Jake at Lime Lake, and how I’m considering going back this afternoon to read and swim alone. When I told Di that, she said, “Aren’t you afraid of the Loch-Ness Monster?” Nope, not at all 🙂

Kevin and I have plans for Saturday to go to Saugatuck Dunes State Park, but apparently there’s a 60% chance of precipitation, and the weather says “scattered thunder storms”. GREAT. I was really looking forward to our anniversary celebration day, but I don’t want to drive 2 1/2 hours out there to get stuck in the rain! We’ll have to keep our eye on the weather and see what we want to do. I’m crossing my fingers that it works out!

I’m beginning to think that my blog title “in transition” is starting to not apply anymore. I am married. We live in a house. Although I’m not in my dream job, I’ll soon be a mommy which basically is my dream job. Even though we don’t plan on living here in good ole Horton forever, we’re not really in the process of transitioning anywhere. We’ll be staying put for a few years. So, with that being said, and good ideas out there for my new blog title? Heck, maybe I’ll make it “Live for today, Hope for tomorrow” or some other inspirational treat I can dig up at work.

Well, Jake’s completely conked out so I think I’ll take advantage of that and try and stick him in his cage so I can make my getaway to the lake. Of course, as soon as I try to lure him in he’ll all of a sudden be wide awake and whine when I leave, but I’m guessing he’ll be asleep again within minutes. We walked pretty far this morning and his little puppy legs were working hard! SO cute!

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